Every single thing that you post or like or click on the Internet has
the chance to either help you or create a rather large problem for you.
The effect of anything you do has the chance to be either negative or
positive. Today we will be looking at reputations being tarnished
because of their digital footprint without even realizing what they were
doing was going to hurt them. These instances could be anything from
loosing a job, to not getting into college, to getting into a fight with
a best friend, and many more. Two simple instances that would obviously
lead to a bad repercussion both of which were unfortunate and
completely avoidable.For instance, a business owner publicly
calling somebody out on Facebook in regards to an extremely personal
issue, complete with profanity. The action showed up on the feed of
everyone who followed them. Where these people may not have thought it
was a bad idea at the time, but they will end up getting fired because of it.
Another major problem that most of us now face is whether or not our
digital life will hurt us in the job field and prevent us from being
hired. So you looked great on your resume and then when you had your
interview it too went very smoothly. They told you they loved you and
you’re convinced that your going to be hired… but the call never came.
You may never know why you didn’t end up scoring the job that you
thought was yours, but maybe was it something they saw? Something they
saw about you on the internet, like your behind on paying your bills,
you were tweeting about how you hate work and can’t wait for your shift
to be over, or maybe it was the picture of you dancing on top of a
table. Be aware that now with hiring people for jobs background checks
are done. In our internet crazed world it is sure that employers will
being doing some form of search for you online and the job seeker with
the least red- flags is likely to get the job. ” It is very hard to
remove anything questionable about yourself from a search engine, but
you can at least push it lower by adding positive entries. In our current generation many of us will be facing the negative
effect of this. For a younger generation, this can affect their chances
on trying to get into college.
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