Monday, 27 February 2017

Q.5.1 There has been an exponential increase in the usage of smart phones in the last decade. Some students now use smart phones to cheat on tests and assignments. Develop an Acceptable Use Policy concerning the use of smart phones for the Independent Institute of Education to be implemented at the various campuses.

Smartphone Acceptable Use Policy  


The widespread ownership of mobile phones among students requires that staff and students ake steps to ensure that mobile phones are used responsibly at campus. This Acceptable Use Policy is designed to ensure that potential issues involving mobile phones can be clearly identified and addressed, ensuring the benefits that mobile phones provide can be enjoyed by our students.


  •  When permission is granted by the Lecturer for student use of a personal smartphone the student shall keep the device in sight of the Lecturer at all times.  Failure to keep the telecommunications device insight of the Lecturer at all times when in use by the student will result in disciplinary action including loss of access to use telecommunication devices in the classroom
  • Keep all telecommunications smartphones out of sight in a secure place (purse, pocket, etc.)when not authorized by a Lecturer. 
  •  The College accepts no responsibility for loss, theft, damage, or destruction of these personal devices. 
  • The use of smartphones shall not disrupt the educational process.  Any use that poses a threat to academic integrity or violates the confidentiality or privacy rights of another individual is not permissible
  • Smartphones, shall not be used to send text messages, schoolwork, photos, documents or other information that poses a threat to the academic integrity, such as cheating.
  • Do NOT access the Internet, e-mail, chat, or play games on a smartphone unless directed by the Lecturer 
  • Smartphone shall not be used to send profane, indecent, obscene, or sexually explicit messages via voice, text or e-mail.

Q4.1 Use your cell phone to create a short video for tertiary students on the importance of netiquette and why it is important. Discuss the role it plays in all aspects of our lives. Upload the video on to your blog.

Q3.1 Discuss the Internet of Things and how it will affect businesses in South Africa. Identify a sector in the industry and detail how it will be impacted.


"The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction."

IoT impact on the Supply Chain Manamgemt

Research firm Gartner recently released a write-up highlighting what many supply chain professionals have been weighing for some time: the IoT trend is going to impact businesses, and in particular, it will disrupt the way we think about logistics. In the piece, Gartner says a thirty-fold increase in Internet-connected physical devices by the year 2020 will “significantly alter how the supply chain operates.” Specifically, it notes the impact will relate to how supply chain leaders access information, among other things.

ERP and supply chain management (SCM) have gone hand-in-hand for quite some time, but the IoT revolution will allow the industry to enhance those solutions by intelligently connecting people, processes, data, and things via devices and sensors.This deeper intelligence can come to life in many different ways when it comes to supply chain data and intelligence – from automation of the manufacturing process to improved visibility within the warehouse.


Gartner . 2017. Gartner Says 8.4 Billion Connected "Things" Will Be in Use in 2017, Up 31 Percent From 2016. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 6 May 2017] 2016. Internet of Things (IoT) . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 6 May 2017].

Q.2.3 Provide a few tips on how one can manage their digital footprint?

Here are 5 tips to managing your digital footprint:

1. Google yourself: Type your name into Google and see what comes up on the sites, images and videos searches. When there’s content you’re not happy with, remove it if you can, or contact the person who posted it or the site administrator to ask them to take it down.

2. Check privacy settings: Make a list of all the sites you’re on (from Facebook to Instagram, to LinkedIn and YouTube) and check the privacy settings – set as much to private as you can. Check these regularly as the settings do change from time to time. Think about past and future actions – you can edit past actions on Facebook with the activity log to change the visibility of any action that you’ve ever made on your Facebook account.

3. Review your “friends” list: Friendship has been redefined by our social networks – all those people we’ve met in passing or at one off events who we have added as friends – but actually don’t know anymore. Even once you’ve set your privacy settings to ‘friends only’ then it’s time to look at your friends list and see if you’re happy with all those people having access to everything you post on those sites.

4. Delete old social media sites: Back in 2003, MySpace was the big trend – but since then, many of us have migrated to Facebook and Instagram but in many cases have left our old sites active. Think about past social media sites, blogs and videos, and delete dormant profiles and content that you’ve moved on from.

5. Build a positive online profile: Share positive content, engage with current events appropriately, consider the broader audience who will be able to see your posts (colleagues, bosses, potential employers) and double check spelling and grammar.

Q.2.2 Digital footprints can be construed as trails that digital citizens leave online. Do you think that digital footprints could become a problem? Discuss.

Every single thing that you post or like or click on the Internet has the chance to either help you or create a rather large problem for you. The effect of anything you do has the chance to be either negative or positive. Today we will be looking at reputations being tarnished because of their digital footprint without even realizing what they were doing was going to hurt them. These instances could be anything from loosing a job, to not getting into college, to getting into a fight with a best friend, and many more. Two simple instances that would obviously lead to a bad repercussion both of which were unfortunate and completely avoidable.For instance, a business owner publicly calling somebody out on Facebook in regards to an extremely personal issue, complete with profanity. The action showed up on the feed of everyone who followed them. Where these people may not have thought it was a bad idea at the time, but they will end up getting fired  because of it.

Another major problem that most of us now face is whether or not our digital life will hurt us in the job field and prevent us from being hired. So you looked great on your resume and then when you had your interview it too went very smoothly. They told you they loved you and you’re convinced that your going to be hired… but the call never came. You may never know why you didn’t end up scoring the job that you thought was yours, but maybe was it something they saw? Something they saw about you on the internet, like your behind on paying your bills, you were tweeting about how you hate work and can’t wait for your shift to be over, or maybe it was the picture of you dancing on top of a table. Be aware that now with hiring people for jobs background checks are done. In our internet crazed world it is sure that employers will being doing some form of search for you online and the job seeker with the least red- flags is likely to get the job. ” It is very hard to remove anything questionable about yourself from a search engine, but you can at least push it lower by adding positive entries. In our current generation many of us will be facing the negative effect of this. For a younger generation, this can affect their chances on trying to get into college.

Q.2.1 Unemployment between the ages of 15 and 24 has reached a staggering 71 million (ILO, 2016). Solution fluency is a guided problem solving framework that consists of six D’s. Use the solution fluency process to solve unemployment problems in your area. Provide a brief background of your area and how you intend to tackle this problem.


 High unemployment rate in Cape Town area.


The high unemployment  is mostly caused as a result of the dismal state of the education system and the education system not equipping students with the necessary skills to enter the job market.


 Overhaul the education system to provide more accessible and better quality education.In addition, learners have to be empowered and involved in processes that affect their education. They need to be given a voice. They also have to be given options, other than an academic matric, such as the Technical, Vocational and Occupational streams provided by TVET colleges


The Department of Basic Education to shift its focus from matric results as the sole measure of success in schools.
Teachers and district officials have to be trained and capacitated to address diversity.
The Department to address the inequality in South African Schools and implement and fund inclusive education to address learner diversity.


  •  Reopen teacher training colleges since they provided a focused approach in the development of teachers and instill a sense of pride among teachers and teaching in general.
  • Put in place internal controls to increase accountability, transparency of the learning process and the use of resources towards education at all government levels and in the classroom.
  • Dedicated focus in improving the resources and infrastructure in township and rural schools
  • Early in the schooling system the focus should be on producing learners who can read, write and count.
  • Celebrate South Africa’s entrepreneurs and learned academic success, conduct career guidance counseling at an early age.
  •  Introduce adult education programs, libraries and career guidance programs in South African townships and rural areas to encourage a culture of reading among learners and their families. 
  • The Department of education should ensure rapid filling of vacant posts and efficient handling of disciplinary cases, or the support of teacher development
  • The government should take political control of the education system and depoliticize unions in the education sector.
  • National program to equip the supply of learning materials, the provision of libraries, toilets, repair of windows and leaking roofs, maintenance of desks and infrastructure in South African rural and township schools.
  • Provide bursaries, school feeding programs, life orientation programs and counseling programs to learners in rural areas and townships
  •  Open vocational training centers and out of school programs to improve the skills of South Africans who are not in school and not working


Review and analyze the plans success and failures to identify areas for potential improvement.
The cost of this process would be astronomical and the plan would need to rolled out in phases. 

Q.1.4 Create a LinkedIn account and subscribe to two at least 2 groups that are relevant to your field of study. Add a link of your profile to your blog.

 Linkedin :